Motor Vehicles Department
Government of Maharashtra
24 x 7 Citizen Call Center :
1800 120 8040 (Toll Free)

International Driving Permit

IDP is valid for a period of one year and valid in those countries who have signed UN Convention.

Basic Requirement

  1. Form 4A
  2. Valid driving License along with certified copies
  3. Passport along with certified copies
  4. Visa along with certified copies
  5. Medical Certificate in Form IA
  6. Payment of prescribed fees Rs.500.
  7. Applicant should submit the application in whose jurisdiction he stays. It is advisable to applicant to get the necessary changes about the address on motor driving License before submitting the application for IDP.
  8. The applicant is required to appear before licensing authority for grant of IDP.
  9. Countries where IDP is recognised :
Afghanistan Dominician Republic (for 6 Months) Latvia San Marino
Algeria Ecuador Lebanon Sao Tome and Principe
Andorra Egypt Lesotha (1) Saudi Arabia
Angola El Salvador Liberia Senegal (for Private Vehicles) (2)
Antigua***(Leeward Is.) Equatorial Guinea Libya Seychelles
Argentina Estonia Liechtenstein* Sierra Leone
Armenia Fiji Lithuania Singapore (1)
Australia Finland Luxemberg South Africa
Austria France & French Monaco Macau South West Africa (Namibia)
Bahamas Gabon Madagascar Spain
Bahrain (1,2) Gambia (1) Malawi Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Bangladesh Germany Mali Sudan
Barbados (1) Ghana Malta Surinam (Former Dutch Guiana)
Belgium Gibraltar Malyasia Swaziland
Belize Greece Mauritania Sweden
Benin Guate Mala Mauritius Switzerland
Bhutan Guernsey Mexico Syria
Bolivia (1,2) Guinea Morocco Taiwan
Botswana (Former Bechuanaland) Guinea – Bissau Mozambique Tanzania
Brunei Guyana Myanmar (1) Thailand
Bulgaria Haiti Namibia Togo
Burkina Faso Honduras Nepal Trinidad and Tobago (1,2) – For Pvt.Vehicls
Cameroon Hong Kong Netherlands Tunisia
Canada (1,2) Hungary New Caledonia Turkey
Cape Verde Islands Iceland New Zealand U.S.S.R
Cayman Islands Indonesia Nicaragua* (for 30 days) Uganda
Central African Republic Iran Niger United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) (1) (For Private Vehicles)
Chad Ireland Norway United Kingdom
Chile Israel Oman United States of America
Colombia Italy Overseas Departments Upper Vota **
Comoros Jamaica (For PrivateVehicles)(2) Pakistan Vatican City
Congo Japan Panama Venzuela
Costa Rica Jersey Papua and New Guinea Vietnam
Cote d’Ivorie Jordan Paraguay Western Samoa
Croatia Kamnpuchea Peru Windward Islands
Cuba Kazakhstan Phillipines (for 90 days) (1) Yemen (Arab Republic)
Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) Kenya Poland Yemen Rep.(1)
Cyprus Korea (Republic) Portugal (Incl.Madeira and the Azores) (1) Yugoslavia
Czech Republic Krygyzstan Qatar*** (1) Zaire (Former Congo) (Kinshasa)
Denmark Kuwait (1) Romania (1) Zambia
Djibouti (See France Territory of the AfarsaandIssas) Laos Rwanda Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)
The information displayed on this website is for information purpose only. For any legal matter, the provision of MV Act & Rules made thereunder shall prevail.
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